Friday, July 3, 2015

Elk Calling Tips

Elk Calling Tips for Calling Elk in the Rut.

The biggest tip I could give you for Calling Elk in the Rut, is to have the right elk call in hand. You don't have to be a world champion elk caller to accomplish the task. If you are going to call elk in the rut and hunt them you will need to learn how to shoot a bow as well.  The first tip I could give you is Practice, Practice and then Practice some more on all your skills of elk calling and hunting, learn all the different sounds the elk make. I teach a very specific elk call called the Sexy Cow Call that has only one purpose, to drive the bulls crazy. I would recommend learning that call or at least the Estrus Whine sound.
When you start your first call of the hunt I recommend starting on a high vantage point where the call will reach out to the bull.  When I first started learning how to call elk in the early 1980's in Oregon, I found this to be very useful, to be high
Nice 6X6 taken using elk calling tips and the Sexy Cow Call above the elk calling down to him, plus a high advantage point lets you hone in on the direction of the bulls location as well. Start with a Location call or just a single cow call and wait, be sure not to over call, when in doubt shut-up.

Once a bull has been located you have the option to wait for him or go after him. You have to remember there are basically three different periods of the rut, you have Pre-Rut, Mid-Rut and Post-Rut.  If you know what you are doing you can call a bull in during any of these times. I have found that the Pre-Rut is best, the main reason is the big bulls are still trying to get their harem of cows together, this is your best chance for a big bull. In Oregon the Pre-rut could start as early as the end of August on the Oregon Coast.

The last time I was in New Mexico the first week of September the bulls were talking.  I called in a nice 340 class bull with ONE Sexy Cow Call from over a mile away. I didn't use any other calls to get the job done, the only problem was it was the day before first day of New Mexico Archery Season.  I teach a very specific strategy for calling elk that has worked repeatedly  for over 30 plus years.  My first couple of years were hit and miss and learning the hard way.  I can't teach you everything cause life has a way of throwing you a curve from time to time, you have to learn to fly by the seat of your pants and think quickly.

I developed a very aggressive approach for elk calling and hunting.  When I call up a bull I make a bee line straight to him before me makes his second call.  As soon as the Bull Elk hears that I am closer I will hold up and see if he is going to come in.  At this point I use my patented elk calling strategy, which I have coined the 'World's Greatest Elk Hunting Secret".

My biggest advise I can give you is when you start calling make sure that you are down wind of the bull and that you have your bow ready and arrow knocked.  Because, if you have done everything right that Bull is Coming in, so get ready.

This call does it all, all the elk sounds, including Bull elk calls and even Deer and Predator calls.  That's right it does it all! I thinks it's the best android app Hunting Calls in the Google Play Store market. It makes ALL the Elk Sounds you will ever need to call in a Elk of a Lifetime.

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